Articles on: Sneakers

Creating New Sneakers - Mint

New sneaker creation (Mint) is a process in which app users select 2 pairs of sneakers they own as a sample for «multiplication» and create a new sneaker box.

To control inflation, we have limited mint NFT boxes with a couldown shoe to 72 hours. This means that after creating a new box, you have to wait 72 hours before creating another new box.

The 2 pairs of sneakers that are used to create the new ones will be called «parents». Both parents must be on the user’s account and have 100% condition.

One NFT sneaker can be used as a parent no more than 7 times. Sneakers mint cost AMT and AZY. The cost depends on how many times the sneakers have already been used as a «parent». The more, the higher the cost in tokens.

To make a mint, users need to select sneakers in the app’s inventory, select «Mint», select the second sneaker to «multiply», and click «Mint», then sign the transaction in their wallet. The user will instantly receive a new box that can be opened and a new pair of sneakers taken out of it.

Note that the «Mint» option is only available with Sneakers of lvl 5 or above.

AMT tokens spent on mint are burned, and AZY tokens are sent to the community treasury.

AMAZY does not sell sneakers or sneaker boxes directly to users. All sneakers and boxes, except for the initial distribution of 15,000 Genesis boxes, are created by other users and placed on the free market.

Updated on: 10/01/2022

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