Articles on: Sneakers

The cost of mint sneakers

Crossbreeding cost has dynamic pricing.

Crossing cost = basic AMT (T) + basic AZY (Y) + additional AZY (Y * k)

Additional value (AZY) appears when the AMT token rate rises and serves to curb the growth of the token price.

To control inflation, we have limited mint NFT boxes with a couldown shoe to 72 hours. This means that after creating a new box, you have to wait 72 hours before creating another new box. The 72-hour limit applies to the entire account.

Значения k:
If AMT < 0,5$, k=0;
If 0,5$ <= AMT < 0,75$, k=0,5;
If 0,75$ <= AMT < 1$, k=1;
If 1$ <= AMT < 1,25$, k=1,25;
If 1,25$ <= AMT < 1,5$, k=2;
If 1,5$ <= AMT < 2,5$, k=4;
If 2,5$ <= AMT < 5$, k=6;
If 5$ <= AMT, k=8;

Common + Common

Common + Uncommon

Common + Rare

Uncommon + Uncommon

Uncommon + Rare

Rare + Rare

Стоимость скрещивания имеет динамическое ценообразование.

Updated on: 10/01/2022

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