AMT tokens
What is AMT
AMT the app’s internal move & earn token, has an unlimited supply and is earned when the user performs an activity in the app and consumes energy. AMT is burned when the user consumes AMT in the app or performs a sneaker mint.FeaturedBuying AMT
Go toPancakeSwap. Connect your wallet by clicking «Connect Wallet»: Click MetaMask: Once the wallet is connected, select the tokens you want to exchange. In this case, these are BUSD and AMT tokens. To do this, click on the symbol of one of the tokens. Once the walletFeaturedSelling AMT
Go to PancakeSwap. To sell AMT, choose AMT and BUSD, you can also swap them by clicking on the arrow. Specify the number of tokens you want to sell: Click «Confirm Swap» and confirm the transaction with MetaMask:Featured